News from. . .     The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. By Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer NEWS FROM THE NCSF ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS The annual meetings were held in LaVista on January 25 and were conducted by President Dr. Jim Langley.  After the board was seated, elections were held and officers elected. Dr. Jim Langley, President Dr. Al Doster, Vice-President Dr. Brittany Kovar, Secretary Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer Other directors include: Dr. Bill Ohlmann, Dr. Shari Sandoz, Sharon Bohmont, Dr. Lindsay Waechter-Mead, and Dr. Missy Girard-Lemons. Applications for the final Boehringer-Ingelheim...

The AVMA House of Delegates met during the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL earlier this month. Drs. David Ylander and Theresa Kelliher attended the HOD winter meeting as the NVMA Delegate and Alternate Delegate. Click here to read the summary of the meeting.  ...

With illicit xylazine increasingly showing up in street drugs that pose grave risks to human users, government policymakers are discussing making it a controlled substance. The AVMA is closely engaged with the relevant congressional offices and committees, working to maintain veterinary access to this important drug. The AVMA believes policymakers understand that there currently isn’t significant xylazine diversion from veterinary channels; however scheduling xylazine to help control the illicit trade will impact use of the drug in veterinary medicine. What is the AVMA doing to mitigate disruption? Given both the scale of the...

News from. . .     The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. By Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer NCSF FALL SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS The NVMA Scholarship Committee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Theresa Kelliher has released the 2022 fall scholarship awards.  Eighteen qualified applications were received and evaluated by the committee and awards totaling $27,200 were made. The recipients this year were seventeen sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the UNL/ISU 2+2 program plus one student attending Texas A & M. Austin Lange Bronze Scholarship     Hannah Evans Dr. & Mrs. Oliver Grace; Dr. Cap Dierks Memorial; Dr. O.H. and Ruth...

News from. . . The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. By Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer Applications now open for fall Scholarships The Foundation Board of Directors met in June and set the values of this year’s fall scholarships for veterinary students. Applicants will vie for 23 scholarships with a total value of $ 31,200---the largest award total ever.  The growth is due to a newly endowed scholarship (Jeanine Cockerill Memorial Scholarship) and additional funds donated to existing scholarship funds. All Nebraska resident veterinary students in the VM II, III, or IV classes attending an...

News from. . .     The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. By Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer NCSF SPRING SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS LEADERSHIP AWARD  The 2022 recipient of the NVMA Past Presidents’ Leadership award is Melanie Herbers.  Ms. Herbers has recently completed her second year in the ISU/UNL 2 plus 2 program. This scholarship, provided by the past-presidents of the NVMA stipulate that to be selected as a recipient of this scholarship, “a student must demonstrate a dedication to the principles of professionalism and ethical behavior, an ability and commitment to encourage others and to lead by...