News from. . .
The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
By Dr. Bob Stout, Treasurer
Charmayne Strong is the 2023 recipient of the NVMA Past Presidents’ Leadership Award. Charmayne will be a third-year student this fall and was selected for her leadership experience and potential for future involvement in organized veterinary medicine.
This scholarship, provided by the past-presidents of the NVMA stipulates that to be selected as a recipient of this scholarship, “a student must demonstrate a dedication to the principles of professionalism and ethical behavior, an ability and commitment to encourage others and to lead by example, and an interest in, and an aptitude for the advancement of organized veterinary medicine.”
As a student in the UNL Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine (PPVM), Charmayne was a member of the Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA) and the Large Animal Veterinary Medical Club (LAVMC). As a second-year student, she served as the president (VBMA) and treasurer (LAVMC) for these organizations. Charmayne also served as treasurer for the PPVM Class of 2025 and was one of the PPVM student representatives for the NVMA. The award is a $ 1,000 scholarship.
Dr. Vergil and Lynne Heyer Scholarship
This year’s selection committee has chosen three students to equally share 1/3 of the $3,000 Heyer Award. The Honorees are: Charmayne Strong VM 2 (pictured above), Cassandra Black VM 1 (below left), and Kimberly Bierbaum, VM 2 (below right).
The Heyer Award is given annually. It was Vergil’s intention that the award be given to a student who had succeeded in the face of adversity, overcome obstacles, and persevered despite hardship.
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NCSF/Boehringer-Ingelheim Award
The 2023 BI Scholarship recipient is Kara Valasek. Following her May graduation, she is now employed by Dr. Kurz of the Countryside Veterinary Clinic in Fullerton, Nebraska.
Ms. Kovar has written that she grew up on the family farm that had both cow/calf and feedlot cattle and farming interests. Her practical experience, her professional education with an emphasis on livestock, and her involvement with organizations like 4-H, FFA, AABP, and other clubs have cemented her decision to be involved in the AVMA and NVMA after graduation.
The Foundation, the veterinarians hiring these students, and the past and present recipients wish to thank BI for their generous support of these scholarships. Special thanks go to Dan Wolfe, whose behind the scene efforts are responsible for these scholarships.
Pre-vet Scholarship Recipients
The Foundation’s Scholarship Committee has named 3 students as 2023 recipients of the pre-veterinary scholarships:
Lee Minju (UNL) $ 1200; Ben Weinandt (UNL) $ 1,000; Keiley Hein (Perus Sate) $ 800
The awards are provided by the Pet Memorial Fund. In addition to the Pre-Veterinary scholarships, the fund supports 2 veterinary student scholarships each fall.
The NCSF board of directors expresses their congratulations, not just to the worthy students, but to all of the mentors, employers, and instructors that enable them to showcase their talents.