The Foundation’s Board of Directors consists of 7 members, 2 by virtue of their office (President and Past-President of the NVMA) and 5 elected for a 2-year, alternating term at the annual membership meeting.
The Foundation’s By-laws provides for 3 standing committees:
Finance Committee: This committee is chaired by the Treasurer. The committee has chosen FNBO Financial Advisors to manage the investments. The committee works closely with the Bank’s Trust Officers. The committee makes recommendations to the board of directors on ways to be good stewards and make disbursements to provide for the endowed scholarships to be perpetual.
Scholarship Committee: This committee has established application forms and rules for applicants of the endowed scholarships. Recipients are selected by this committee utilizing electronic evaluation forms that provide for impartial, objective, and anonymous scoring.
Publicity Committee: This committee’s activities can be divided into two areas of responsibility:
- The Internal Publicity is charged with publicizing the availability of the various scholarships—Veterinary Students, Pre-Veterinary Students, Graduate School Students, and Veterinary Technician Students.
- The External Publicity is the marketing arm of the organization. Managing the website, promoting the pet memorial and sustaining membership fundraisers, and developing other new and fun activities to increase awareness of the Foundation and its purpose.
If you have an interest in contributing your time to benefit the Foundation contact one of the officers of the Foundation.